How to Download Youtube Thumbnail With Url

Friday, May 13, 2022
How to Download Youtube Thumbnail With Url

In this tutorial I will show the fastest and easiest way to get the thumbnail of a Youtube video that you are watching now. In the previous post we showed how you can get the thumbnail by copying the link then navigating to Youthumb. However, you might want to do it a bit faster so I will show how you can do it without even needing to copy the link.

You start by watching the video that you want to find the thumbnail and then you go to the navigation bar where you can see the url of the video. Here you will see a link like and all you need to do is to change the to and you will be redirected to Youthumb showing the thumbnail of the video you were watching. Image showing you where to copy the youtube url using a web browser

This is the easiest and fastest way to get the youtube thumbnail.

Enter Youtube Url to Find the Thumbnail Image